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virginiacoastline19-Feb-2007 02:04
Guest 08-Feb-2007 01:05
How did I miss this. I love the coloring.
Guest 03-Feb-2007 14:14
This is hilarious!!! V.
Guest 01-Feb-2007 22:37
Guest 30-Jan-2007 21:11
What a hoot! Thanks for the good laugh!
Pic Chick30-Jan-2007 18:21
L O L - Ahhhh, "humpy dog" syndrome - we have this with our female trying to be dominant too. I think this one needs lessons on which end tho! Comments are cracking me up...!
Gary Winters30-Jan-2007 02:43
Wait -- is this a publicity still for Brokeback Mountain???
Sharon Rogers29-Jan-2007 21:32
hehe I like how the *receiving* dog doesn't give a hoot
Jackdad29-Jan-2007 18:52
I love how the dog underneath is totally unfazed LOL!
Jim Larkin29-Jan-2007 07:02
Um.....yeah. Ok then. I think that uhhh....well. Hmmm....Nice shot.
Gary Winters29-Jan-2007 06:05
So now, you're posting doggie porn? LOL
Guest 29-Jan-2007 04:38
Haha! I thought it was a pig in the thumbnail. I said, what she's doing with pigs?? This is just great of course. You always create such great contrast.
Guest 29-Jan-2007 03:59
That's what I'm talkin' about...
Guest 29-Jan-2007 03:57
Canine Kama Sutra
Guest 29-Jan-2007 03:49
Get a room!
confused puppy
Guest 29-Jan-2007 03:49
Excellent find and work. Voted.
Cindy Flood29-Jan-2007 03:45
LOL...too funny.
Karen Leaf29-Jan-2007 03:13
Is that what they mean by doggy style?
jude29-Jan-2007 02:53
I think he needs a lesson on which end is which...LOL
damn.. you get the best scenerios.. just how do you do that? follow them around?
Cindi Smith29-Jan-2007 02:53
I think he's going the wrong direction! Too funny! I'm with Robin...laughing my arse off!
Robin Reid29-Jan-2007 02:42
Totally hilarious. I'm rolling on the floor. Great catch.
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