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Scott Nickell | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> MEDAL OF HONOR PHOTOS AND STORIES tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


In August of 2001 I met Nick Del Calzo at a photo workshop in Coupeville, WA. At the time I was still on active duty in the Navy, and Nick was working on a long term photo project of formal portraits of living Medal of Honor Recipients. Long story short... Nick asked me to assist him on a few shoots, and I got to meet some true living heros.
Medal of Honor Recipient John Bud Hawk and SFC Jack Martin Four Heroes Photographer Nick Del Calzo 30-SEP-2005 The sinking of the USS William D. Porter
KAMAKAZE attack USS LCS122 Captain Richard M. McCool, USN (Ret) Tibor (Teddy) Rubin Captain Thomas Hudner, USN (Ret) Thomas Norris, MOH Recipient, Viet Nam
In Honored Glory
In Honored Glory