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Steve Martin | profile | all galleries >> Travels >> Southwestern U.S. >> Desert Southwest tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Desert Southwest

g3/53/32253/3/90393825.hhH4Fn8B.jpg g1/53/32253/3/72679683.WJoq0Lp5.jpg g4/53/32253/3/60390645.DSC_1391ecopy2.jpg The Superstition Mountains
The Superstition Mountains
g3/53/32253/3/59052814.DSC_1313_e.jpg g3/53/32253/3/57570908.DSC_1278e.jpg Cathedral Rock -  Sedona, Arizona
Cathedral Rock - Sedona, Arizona
Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
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g3/53/32253/3/57570905.DSC_1254e.jpg g3/53/32253/3/57570906.DSC_1257e.jpg Church Rock
Church Rock
Painted Desert
Painted Desert
g3/53/32253/3/57474719.DSC_0861e.jpg Mexican Hat Rock
Mexican Hat Rock
Mesa Arch - Canyonlands N.P. - Utah
Mesa Arch - Canyonlands N.P. - Utah
Dead Horse Point State Park
Dead Horse Point State Park
g3/53/32253/3/57048023.DSC_1187e2.jpg g3/53/32253/3/57048024.DSC_1191e.jpg g3/53/32253/3/57048025.DSC_1194e.jpg
g3/53/32253/3/57048028.DSC_1227e.jpg Horseshoe Bend
Horseshoe Bend
Mesa Arch
Mesa Arch
Mesa Arch
Mesa Arch
mesa arch
mesa arch
mesa arch
mesa arch
mesa arch
mesa arch
Dead Horse Point State Park - Moab, Utah
Dead Horse Point State Park - Moab, Utah
The Courthouse Towers,  Arches National Park
The Courthouse Towers, Arches National Park
Dead Horse Point State Park - Moab, Utah
Dead Horse Point State Park - Moab, Utah