During an anti-aircraft exersize off the coast of Newcastle NSW, Australia, HMAS Perth-DDG 038 was tasked with assisting in the rescue of the crew of the MV Hoe Lin, which was listing badly(her deck Cargo had shifted during the gale) and was in danger of sinking in the shipping lanes outside of the port of Newcastle. This had occurred during a gale and the vessel was no longer under command.The NSW Water Police attended the scene and took most of the crew off the ship, we were then tasked to tow the ship out to sea away from the Bulk coal ships at anchor waiting for loading. This required a boarding party to get on the Hoe Lin and retrieve the towing bridle from Perth, attach it to their bows and be towed out to sea. The first boarding party was having trouble getting the lines in and needed pure man power to bring the lines in, a second boarding party was requested and 6 of us took the plunge, we had to jump of Perth into the sea , be picked up by the Zodiac, hauled inboard, cross 300 mts of raging seas and some how board the Hoe Lin, to this day I still can't remember how I got on board, boarding at the stern we made our way forward to the bow and assisted in getting the tow lines in and secured, passing word to Perth that they could commence towing. After we were out of the shipping area a steaming watch was left on Hoe Lin and the rest of us repeat our abandon ship routine for the second time that afternoon. Mind you this was in late winter-early spring. Arriving back to Perth the Zodiac approached the ships side where boarding ladder was hung and it was a matter of timing the rise of the wave to the leap of faith to get on the ladder and scramble on board. I remember many willing hands dragging me inboard, tired but glad to be home.
Of late the RAN has suffered a great deal of adverse publicity due to the actions of some of its memebers, the public may see a glimpse on the nightly news of the good that they do but they soon forget. This rescue was was performed in the highest traditions of a maritine service, saving life at sea, although some of these sailors were injured during this rescue, myself include, not one of the seaman refused to do their duty above and beyound what was required. Most were in the late teens or early 20's, I was an "old hand" at 25.
This was what made DDG sailors different and proud of their claim of being the last of the Wran free ships. WRAN -Women Royal Australian Navy. No member of the crew was female, the ships were just not designed to female friendly.
Thanks to Allan S for providing the memories and some of the photos in this album. More to follow later.
MV Hoe Lin listing to starboard
Into the Gale
Perth racing to the scene
Zodiac trying to get alongside
Quarterdeck Part of Ship trying to get the tow lines across
Slipping and sliding across the deck
In the thick of the action
Line Handling Parties
Line Handling Parties
Line Handling Parties
Line Handling Parties
Approaching her stern
Getting the Boarding Parties across
Getting the Boarding Parties across
Getting the Boarding Parties across
Getting the Boarding Parties across
Getting the Boarding Parties across
Getting the Boarding Parties across
HL Rescue 37.jpg
Haul in the Tow Line!
Returning to the ship
HL Rescue 14a3.jpg
HL Rescue 14A2.jpg
HL Rescue 14A1.jpg
HL Rescue 13A2.jpg
Hooked Up , start the tow
Crew photos
Underway the next morning
The Sea shall claim her
Going, going
Going, going
Going, going
Going, going
Going, going
Going, going
Going, going
The Skipper and Seaman Petty Officer, after retrieving the boarding parties
I copied one of your photos into my Äänimeri CLIO (3) album. Thank you. CLIO was her original name. If there is something to be changed please let me know. I am not able to insert the url of the CLIO album in this message. With best regards Timo Sylvänne
Judi Hughes
25-May-2015 10:14
There was video footage shot by a Perth crew member. My husband was the diver in the water transferring the 24 crew of the Hoelien to safety and would love a copy of the footage if anyone knows how I can get my hands on it.