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Julio's Gallery

Pictures from Julio Rodriguez
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Waiting for the bus to go on a picnic.
The Guys

Waiting for the bus to go on a picnic.

Boys will be Boys
The Phone Booth - Patrick Mann - Julio Rodriguez

Boys will be Boys

On November 17, 2000, Joey responded to an email that I sent him, and the process of re-uniting the gang began.  He told me he still plays softball.  It's in his blood!
Joey Donaghy

On November 17, 2000, Joey responded to an email that I sent him, and the process of re-uniting the gang began. He told me he still plays softball. It's in his blood!

I would meet Charlene in Church on Sundays and then go for a walk in the park.
Charlene Blando

I would meet Charlene in Church on Sundays and then go for a walk in the park.

Save a little space, 3 military pics of me.  Taken in Boot camp at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation in Pennsylvania, 1965
Julio x3

Save a little space, 3 military pics of me. Taken in Boot camp at Indiantown Gap Military Reservation in Pennsylvania, 1965

At Power Memorial Graduation 1961, held at Hunter College.
Al Musial - Julio - Patrick

At Power Memorial Graduation 1961, held at Hunter College.

Dennis - Kathy - Barry - Jack
Dennis - Kathy - Barry - Jack
Taken at the St. Patricks Day Parade, I used to march in the Parade with Power Memorial.
Gov. Rockefeller & Mayor Wagner

Taken at the St. Patricks Day Parade, I used to march in the Parade with Power Memorial.

My user name came from a street game called Skully or Skelsies.  The board used here is not the one used but if you go to you will learn a lot about the game.
Skully board for Skelsies

My user name came from a street game called Skully or Skelsies. The board used here is not the one used but if you go to you will learn a lot about the game.

Yogi Berra playing Skully - Skelsies, I called it Skelly.  My board had the letters S-K-E-L-L-Y in the middle boxes,  must have been a local variation.
Yogi plays Skelsies

Yogi Berra playing Skully - Skelsies, I called it Skelly. My board had the letters S-K-E-L-L-Y in the middle boxes, must have been a local variation.

I think we are the only ones in the country who remember this album.  Pure Doo Wop!
Paragons Meet the Jesters cover

I think we are the only ones in the country who remember this album. Pure Doo Wop!

Track 13 - the Wind, the greatest song.  Fr. LeBlanc didn't think so!  He always wanted room for the Holy Ghost when we danced.  (right? Pat)
Song list for CD

Track 13 - the Wind, the greatest song. Fr. LeBlanc didn't think so! He always wanted room for the Holy Ghost when we danced. (right? Pat)

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