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Mad Science

Pulp could not resist the lure of the crazed doctor or scientist legend. As well, in the early 1930's, the pulps went a bit nuts with their fascination for dungeons and red robed maniacs who tormented their captives, a pulp seraglio, if you will. These works are often referred to as 'terror pulps'.
Some are so tasteless that I discard them, but most are at least amusing.
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careful measurements
careful measurements
Lois through and through
Lois through and through
Jewel in the floroscope II
Jewel in the floroscope II
inner gems
inner gems
six of one
six of one
Dr Demento II
Dr Demento II
Dr Fossils serum lab
Dr Fossils serum lab
Dr Fossi's cave
Dr Fossi's cave
a fresh skull
a fresh skull
mine mine
mine mine
Tar Arr
Tar Arr
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