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Elaine Reed | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
:: Scotland ::
Trips with friends
:: Trips with friends ::
Ramblers walks and weekends away
:: Ramblers walks and weekends away ::
Places in Wales
:: Places in Wales ::
Walks in Wales
:: Walks in Wales ::
Places in England
:: Places in England ::
Swansea and Gower
:: Swansea and Gower ::
Lake District - June 2018
:: Lake District - June 2018 ::
Red Kite Feeding
:: Red Kite Feeding ::
RHS Flower Show, Cardiff 2017
:: RHS Flower Show, Cardiff 2017 ::
Cheltenham - July 2016
:: Cheltenham - July 2016 ::
:: Derbyshire ::
:: scans ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::
The Netherlands - August 2015
:: The Netherlands - August 2015 ::
Dad's visit Jul/Aug 2015
:: Dad's visit Jul/Aug 2015 ::
My garden
:: My garden ::
Family photos
:: Family photos ::
Victoria, Australia 26 Dec 2011
:: Victoria, Australia 26 Dec 2011 ::
Concerts, Gigs and other shows
:: Concerts, Gigs and other shows ::
Liverpool - Nov 2012
:: Liverpool - Nov 2012 ::
:: Plants ::
Skies and moons
:: Skies and moons ::
:: Snow ::
Arty shots
:: Arty shots ::
:: Birds ::
Fungi and Trees
:: Fungi and Trees ::
Molly - born 28 March 2000 died 13 June 2008
:: Molly - born 28 March 2000 died 13 June 2008 ::
Jigsaw puzzles
:: Jigsaw puzzles ::
Password protected
:: Password protected ::
:: ROW ::
London visit June 2015
:: London visit June 2015 ::
Joy and Kevin
:: Joy and Kevin ::