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James Prudente's Recent Galleries

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19-Feb-2024 00:12
:: Miscellaneous ::
19-Mar-2017 02:15
Raptors & Owls
:: Raptors & Owls ::
15-Dec-2016 03:41
Sparrows and Towhees
:: Sparrows and Towhees ::
19-Jun-2015 12:20
:: Songbirds ::
19-Jun-2015 12:16
:: Woodpeckers ::
19-Jun-2015 12:11
:: Scenics ::
08-Sep-2014 13:11
Butterflies, Moths and other Insects
:: Butterflies, Moths and other Insects ::
08-Sep-2014 13:09
:: Flycatchers ::
23-May-2014 12:54
Shorebirds and Waders
:: Shorebirds and Waders ::
15-May-2014 04:20
Ducks, Geese Swans and Other Swimming Birds
:: Ducks, Geese Swans and Other Swimming Birds ::
15-May-2014 03:42
Shrikes and Vireos
:: Shrikes and Vireos ::
14-May-2014 20:46
Finches, Buntings, Grosbeaks
:: Finches, Buntings, Grosbeaks ::