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Venice Carnival 2009

The endless magic of Carnival is the yearly opening of a privileged door to a world of fancy,
where wearing a mask is more revealing than showing one's bare face.

Masks are the essence of Carnival;
they appear elusive yet show themselves to everyone.
They speak a silent language as they express metaphors for nuances of human nature.

They can be seen, skimmed, admired, but never fully captured...

Their mystery is their sincerity.
Arnaldo Arnaldo Arnaldo
Arnaldo Arnaldo Arnaldo
Colette Colette Colette
Jeanne Jeanne Jeanne
Federico & Alessia Alessia Alessia
Joelle Joelle Joelle
Arnaldo, Laura & Angela Arnaldo Arnaldo, Laura & Angela
Alain Alain Alain
Lilly Lilly Lilly
Violaine & Graziella Violaine & Graziella Violaine & Graziella
Laura Laura Laura
Eliane Eliane Eliane
Bertilla Bertilla Bertilla
Delphine Delphine Delphine
Peggy Peggy & David Peggy
Eliane Eliane Eliane
Jeannette, Cannelle & Jacqueline Jeannette, Cannelle & Jacqueline Cannelle & Jacqueline
Mirella & Joel Joel & Mirella Mirella
Laura & Arnaldo Laura & Arnaldo Laura & Arnaldo
Arnaldo, Bianca & Marina Arnaldo Arnaldo and the photographers
Marie-Louise (Loulou) Marie-Louise (Loulou) Marie-Louise (Loulou)
Jeannette & Pierre-Edouard Jeannette & Pierre-Edouard Jeannette & Pierre-Edouard
Arnaldo Arnaldo  Bianca & Arnaldo
Solange Solange Solange
Isabelle Isabelle & Numa Numa & Isabelle
Jeanne Jeanne Jeanne
Florine Florine Florine