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The Sigma Users Group Galleries | all galleries >> User Galleries >> The All galleries >> All Flowers > An example of white object with SD9: fine with details !
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An example of white object with SD9: fine with details !

Sigma SD9
1/350s f/6.7 at 190.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Seng Phomphanh27-Jun-2003 17:35
I love the warmth of a pure white glowing in the sun, it gives you the feeling of hope and great future. I know this comment is not very technical but this pictures conveys this feeling as well as being superb in details! great job!
Thank you,
Rick Decker27-Jun-2003 17:05
I have the same comments for this one as the next image - very nice and the flower lends itself well to being shot. As much as I like it,I would like to see it in shade.
They both are gorgeous flowers. Can you get the two of them together?