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Soyrizo and Peppers on Pasta

OK... so this is an easy meal using the leftovers from the Pepper Fajitas.

Sauté Soyrizo (a vegetarian substitute for chorizo) in a large pan.
Add the leftover pepper mixture from the Pepper Fajitas and heat through.
Use this to top your pasta of choice and enjoy!

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/100s f/5.6 at 105.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Chris08-Sep-2014 21:00
Had dinner, eaten well but this looks delicious!
larose forest photos06-Sep-2014 00:12
Another stylish image and a great sounding recipe. V
Martin Lamoon04-Sep-2014 22:14
Great dish only I would like Chorizo!
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