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Cowboy Casserole

Steak and Eggs

I worked with my cardiologist years ago in the hospital and then he became my cardiologist.
He loved to talk food and was always the chief cook when he and his buddies would go on hunting trips.

This was one of his recipes he shared with me and wrote it down on a prescription pad!
(Now if you eat too much of this, you will surely need his services.)

So in preparation for Father's Day, I offer you this possibility for your favorite cowboy.

You can prepare the casserole the night before and bake it in the morning.

Pillsbury frozen biscuits are quite good (he also recommended these) especially when spread with some cactus jelly.
Pop them in the oven the last 20 minutes while the casserole bakes.

Then use a grill pan to quickly cook a thin steak.


1 lb. HOT SAUSAGE (I like Owens brand), browned and broken into small pieces
2 c. MILK
2 c. CHEDDAR CHEESE, grated
4 pieces BREAD, torn up

Butter the bottom and sides of a baking dish.
Put bread in bottom.
Top with cooked sausage meat.

Whisk eggs and milk together and pour over sausage and bread.

Top with grated cheese.
Bake at 375 degrees for about 45 minutes until puffed and brown around the edges.

Serve with hot sauce or a little salsa and biscuits.

Canon EOS 40D
1/50s f/5.0 at 28.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Martin Lamoon17-Jun-2011 09:24
Wonderful recipe! looks fantastic. ( That would be a large steak in the UK!) V
carabias17-Jun-2011 00:42
¡Rica comida! BV
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