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Shlomi | profile | all galleries >> Shoe Box >> 1950 - 1959 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

1950 - 1959

1950 - Norbert Bernthal and friends
1950 - Norbert Bernthal and friends
1950 - Norbert Bernthal and friends
1950 - Norbert Bernthal and friends
1950 - Norbert Bernthal and friend
1950 - Norbert Bernthal and friend
1950 - Norbert Bernthal
1950 - Norbert Bernthal
1950 - Malka Bernthal and Arie
1950 - Malka Bernthal and Arie
1952 - Norbert Berrnthal
1952 - Norbert Berrnthal
1953 - Malka Bernthal
1953 - Malka Bernthal
1954 - Happy New Year
1954 - Happy New Year
1954 - Norbert Bernthal at work
1954 - Norbert Bernthal at work
1955 - Ambulance
1955 - Ambulance
1955 - Nina
1955 - Nina
1956 - Malka and Norbert Bernthal's Wedding
1956 - Malka and Norbert Bernthal's Wedding
1956 - Ozi's Wedding
1956 - Ozi's Wedding
1956 - Paul
1956 - Paul
1957 - Betty, Nina and Izzy
1957 - Betty, Nina and Izzy
1957 - Nina
1957 - Nina
1958 - Norbert and Malka Bernthal
1958 - Norbert and Malka Bernthal
1958 - Norbert and Malka Bernthal
1958 - Norbert and Malka Bernthal
1959 - Aharon
1959 - Aharon