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Michael Elias | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Tania Van Hoofstadt 21-Mar-2021 17:09
Hi, are you the Michel Elias who worked with my dad, Roger Van Hoofstadt, in a maritime company in Antwerp. If so please contact me by mail taniavanhoofstadt@gmail .com
Stephen Reynolds 05-Feb-2013 20:47
Hi, Great site - After a few years of posting my photos on other peoples sites I have now set up my own site which i'm populating with photographs from my collection. Site is Can you add me to your links? Thanks for the inspiration. Steve
Guest 04-Feb-2013 11:00
Nice Gallery.Congratulations.
Guest 22-Apr-2012 08:08
Nice gallery. nvd
Jean-Jacques Vandamme11-Apr-2010 13:58
I regularly return to your galleries to view the many very good shots you have.
A question: where is the best site/place from which to photograph ships on the canal of Terneuzen ? Belgian or Dutch side ? And where ? As I live near Zeebruges I often go there but unfortunately the locations (i.e. public access) from which to get passable shots are few.
For similar pix, please see my Maritimes gallery.