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December challenge 2008: Alphabet Soup

Alphabet Soup challenge for December
A is for Aquilegia anthers
A is for Aquilegia anthers
B is for Bright eyes and bubbles
B is for Bright eyes and bubbles
C is for Cricket
C is for Cricket
D is for Dominoes
D is for Dominoes
E is for Egyptian pharaoh
E is for Egyptian pharaoh
F is for Fire
F is for Fire
G is for Green
G is for Green
H is for Hungry
H is for Hungry
I is for Inscription
I is for Inscription
J is for Jeep
J is for Jeep
K is for Kilometers
K is for Kilometers
L is for Lilium
L is for Lilium
M is for Meerkats
M is for Meerkats
N is for Needle
N is for Needle
O is for O rings  :-)
O is for O rings :-)
P is for Pollen
P is for Pollen
 Q is for Quartz crystal
Q is for Quartz crystal
 R is for Rubbish truck Rollover on Reid Highway
R is for Rubbish truck Rollover on Reid Highway
S is for Sunshine on my Sweet corn
S is for Sunshine on my Sweet corn
T is for Teeth
T is for Teeth
U is for Umbel
U is for Umbel
 V is for Vodka
V is for Vodka
W is for Whorl
W is for Whorl
X is for Ten
X is for Ten
Y is for Yellow
Y is for Yellow
Z is for Zoom lens  :-)
Z is for Zoom lens :-)