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Sheila Smart | all galleries >> Prints available >> Prints available on Fine Art America also RM licenses. For UK residents, canvas prints shipped from UK > Curl Curl beach in black and white
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10-APR-2007 ©Sheila Smart

Curl Curl beach in black and white

Curl Curl beach

Also available in colour. I converted from colour to greyscale using Adobe Lightroom.
Photography Prints

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/400s f/13.0 at 17.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Webman0628-Jul-2007 11:30
Great sea scape ! V.
Vincent Belford22-Apr-2007 17:30
WOW and more WOW ! what a great shot !!!!
Guest 22-Apr-2007 10:31
Amazing photo!
Guest 21-Apr-2007 18:02
Great shot and I really do like how lightroom make b&w
Marcelo Faustino21-Apr-2007 13:44
Won, great contrast... Amazing B&W!
Jan Frode Aase21-Apr-2007 11:14
Amazing Black & White photo. Great tones and contrasts. Perfect light. Voted
Dave Wixx21-Apr-2007 02:48
Fabulous sky.
Guest 20-Apr-2007 16:11
great sky, really wonderful, especially in B&W.
Jarek M20-Apr-2007 08:19
Lovely pictures. The clouds add so much to it.
Ken McColl20-Apr-2007 06:18
You have done an absolute masterful job here Sheila.
Latifa Messaoudi20-Apr-2007 04:43
make me think at ANsel s picture!
dane20-Apr-2007 04:43
Can I borrow the 5D, Sheila?!?!? fantastic clouds. voted