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Stew Gitlin | profile | all galleries >> Africa - Botswana, Nambia and Zimbabwe >> Mudumu National Park tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Mudumu National Park

Mudumu National Park is a new park, established in 1990, in the Caprivi Strip of Namibia. Lianshulu Lodge, where we stayed, is located right on the Kwando River. Unfortunately wildlife in the park is still pretty sparse, but the camp regularly gets visits from hippos and elephants.
On Our Way to Mudumu National Park in Namibia
On Our Way to Mudumu National Park in Namibia
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If You Look Closely, You Can See a Herd of Elephants by the Watering Hole
If You Look Closely, You Can See a Herd of Elephants by the Watering Hole
g1/28/417028/3/116123267.ISjnXEBx.jpg Flocks of Birds
Flocks of Birds
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Elephant Dung Right Outside My Cabin Deck
Elephant Dung Right Outside My Cabin Deck
The Marsh Outside My Cabin
The Marsh Outside My Cabin
There are Those Elephants Again
There are Those Elephants Again
g1/28/417028/3/116123272.kBAMVsY0.jpg Termite Mound
Termite Mound
Sunset on the Kwando River
Sunset on the Kwando River
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Children Outside a Local Homestead
Time for a Sundowner
Time for a Sundowner
A Water Buck
A Water Buck
Purple Heron
Purple Heron
g1/28/417028/3/116123289.mJAk822P.jpg Heading Off for the Okavango Delta
Heading Off for the Okavango Delta