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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> South East Asia and India 2005-06 >> Laos >> Vientiane tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Vientiane | Vang Vien | Phonsavan | Luang Prabang | Muang Noi | Luang Nam Tha | Muang Sing | Vieng Phouka and Route 3 | Flora and Fauna in Laos


The last time I was in Vientiane it resembled a giant building site, as a massive mordernisation scheme was underway in - preparation for Visit Lao year in 1999. I can see the results, as most of the main roads are now paved. The dust remains, however, quickly turning to mud once the rain starts.

When I get home, I'm going to scan some of my photos from 1998 to compare.

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at Serenity Photography.

You can keep abreast of my travels by visiting my website.

View from Patuxai
View from Patuxai
View from Patuxai
View from Patuxai
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