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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> The Philippines 2004 >> Bohol >> Nuts Huts tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Day Out on Bohol | Loboc Town | Nuts Huts | River Cruise

Nuts Huts

This fantastic little getaway sits on the Loboc River in Bohol, surrounded by jungle and peace and quiet. Of an evening bats flutter around, and the trees fill with fireflies, that twinkle as if they are stars fallen from the heavens.

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at

Bamboo Baby
Bamboo Baby
My Room - the Clockwork Orange Room
My Room - the Clockwork Orange Room
Feel the Serenity
Feel the Serenity
The Tropics
The Tropics
The Loboc River
The Loboc River
Evening Boat Ride
Evening Boat Ride
The Hornets Chair - Look Closely at the Left Arm Rest
The Hornets Chair - Look Closely at the Left Arm Rest
Going to Nuts Huts
Going to Nuts Huts
Now Thats What I Call Fresh
Now Thats What I Call Fresh
Two Lizzards
Two Lizzards
The Tropics
The Tropics
Birds of Paradise
Birds of Paradise