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Favourite Shots

Here are some of my own personal favourites. I hope you enjoy looking through the gallery. If you spot any images in any of my other galleries that you think belong here, do let me know. Oh, and don't forget to vote!

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at

Bright Nudie - Four Mile Reef
Bright Nudie - Four Mile Reef
Sunset on the Farm
Sunset on the Farm
Buzzy Bee
Buzzy Bee
Watheroo Sky
Watheroo Sky
Sun Bouncing Back and Forth
Sun Bouncing Back and Forth
Mummy, Cairo Museum
Mummy, Cairo Museum
Sun and Tree at Dune 45
Sun and Tree at Dune 45
Sunrise.  A Red Sky in the Morning, Overlander's Warning!
Sunrise. A Red Sky in the Morning, Overlander's Warning!
Young Masai Woman
Young Masai Woman
Tide Coming In
Tide Coming In
Cool Camel
Cool Camel
Dune 45 Footprints
Dune 45 Footprints
Light Through the Window
Light Through the Window
Masai Warrior
Masai Warrior
Colourful Fields
Colourful Fields
Cuddly Toy Anyone?
Cuddly Toy Anyone?
Peace, man
Peace, man
Exposed Roots
Exposed Roots
Big Wheel keeps on Turning
Big Wheel keeps on Turning
Rainbow Rain-Shield
Rainbow Rain-Shield
Striking Leaves
Striking Leaves
Schoolgirls on the Beach
Schoolgirls on the Beach