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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> Australia 2003-04 >> Cairns >> Botanical Gardens tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Botanical Gardens

Pictures taken at the Botanical Gardens in Cairns - lovely place, but beware the mosquitoes!

Read about my adventures in Australia here

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Bent Leaf
Bent Leaf
Bare Bamboo
Bare Bamboo
Dusty Leaves
Dusty Leaves
Exposed Roots
Exposed Roots
Fallen Blossom
Fallen Blossom
Leaves Against Gums
Leaves Against Gums
Strong Outline
Strong Outline
Leaf Upon Board
Leaf Upon Board
Sublime Leaf
Sublime Leaf
Shadowy Fern
Shadowy Fern
Boards and Shadows
Boards and Shadows
Fractal Leaves
Fractal Leaves
Giant Leaf Close Encounter
Giant Leaf Close Encounter
Bronzed Bark
Bronzed Bark
Double Bladed Leaf
Double Bladed Leaf
Colourful Bark
Colourful Bark
Flash Fern
Flash Fern
Twisted Tree Vine
Twisted Tree Vine
Walking The Boards
Walking The Boards
Crisp Leaf
Crisp Leaf
Giant Leaves
Giant Leaves
Through Shadow to Light
Through Shadow to Light
Striking Leaves
Striking Leaves
Layered Fern
Layered Fern