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22 June 2006 Coleen Perilloux Landry


The Governor of Louisiana has moved 300 National Guardsmen and 60 State Troopers into New Orleans and the news media is having a field day.
My explanation, as a fair journalist, is this:
85 per cent of New Orleans policemen lost everything they owned in Hurricane Katrina. For seven months they slept on a cruise ship until FEMA put them out. They are worn to a frazzle. "Some" of the criminal elements of the City have decided to take advantage of everything and are looting what is left of the abandoned neighborhoods right down to copper pipes and gutters.
So, the Guard will patrol the almost-empty neighborhoods in the most devastated areas of the City and the Troopers will patrol the French Quarter and the downtown business area so the New Orleans policemen can concentrate on the criminals and perhaps get a little relief.
Thank you, Governor Blanco.
It is 100 degrees in the shade.

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Greg Harp25-Jun-2006 23:48
Wonderful shot Coleen. I'm sorry to hear of the continuing troubles in the wake of Katrina. It's amazing this is allowed to continue...
JW25-Jun-2006 17:49
Another amazing insight into the Katrina tragedy. The rest of the world really do expect better of the US Government. 360 personnel sounds like chicken feed compared to the scale of forces sent to Iraq!
virginiacoastline24-Jun-2006 18:43
most of the world . . even the US . . .has the idea that once the hurricane is gone, a few weeks to clean up and it's over with. Unless you have experienced a hurricane . . .or typhoon . . .first hand, it is hard to imagine WHY it takes so long to recuperate and get back fully on your own two feet.
Lee Rudd24-Jun-2006 16:23
lovely colours.... but what a story! I hope the police are at least getting paid
Neal Nye23-Jun-2006 11:29
Such a city of contrasts. It seems you have the best and also the worst.
Karen Stuebing23-Jun-2006 09:50
Gorgeous color in this photo. Hiding the grim reality. Truth is that abandoned neighborhoods in every city in the country have always been looted for copper, marble, etc. It's been going on for years. I'd rather see the people get it than the government. The government would probably just use it to reimburse FEMA who would then use it to line their pockets. Sorry for the cynicism.
purpod23-Jun-2006 07:32
Beauty shot for a sad story. You know, I heard a story about a policeman who kept his "watch" even though he was very concerned about his Mom. He tried to get relief to her, but was unsuccessful & she died 3 days into the disaster; What those men & women have had to sacrifice is almost a sin ~ God Bless them. I hope they really do get some relief!
Gayle Jenkins23-Jun-2006 03:40
A beautiful shot, I just havn't been able to go back to Lafreniere, I loved it there.
petesie23-Jun-2006 02:39
It is beautiful and doesn't look as hot as I know it is. I'm hoping the governors actions bring some relief.
Herb 23-Jun-2006 02:32
Nice image
Gayle P. Clement23-Jun-2006 02:20
The bank sign read 115 in Laredo today. The watermelon pink crape myrtles are beautiful. I hope to see some soon.
royalld23-Jun-2006 01:07
The beautiful image is in stark contrast to your story of misery.
Guest 23-Jun-2006 00:12
You made a good point. How could you stand the heat today??
Guest 22-Jun-2006 23:58
Wow, what a great capture. The composition is fabulous. GMV
s_barbour22-Jun-2006 23:46
Oh Coleen, this composition is absolutely stunning and so inviting.
Robin Reid22-Jun-2006 23:31
Wonderful photo.
carol j. phipps22-Jun-2006 23:08
This is a gorgeous picture Coleen. Glad you can find the beauty in the continued chaos on the streets. Carol
Guest 22-Jun-2006 23:02
lovely image, Coleen
Guest 22-Jun-2006 22:53
Beautiful Coleen. the misery continues:-(
Larry Ahern22-Jun-2006 22:46
Wonderful place to sit and relax :)
Jackdad22-Jun-2006 22:40
cheering blossom there - looks a beautiful day.
J. Scott Coile22-Jun-2006 22:29
... and sweet color.
laine8222-Jun-2006 22:28
Crepe Myrtle's are one of my favourite flowering trees, especially this pink. Such a pretty picture, Coleen !