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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hurricane Katrina Was No Lady > The Flowers Refuse to Give In
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13 April 2006 Coleen Perilloux Landry

The Flowers Refuse to Give In

Bellaire Drive in Lakeview

While riding throughout Lakeview in New Orleans this morning I marvelled at the flowers blooming in gardens that are still filled with debris in front of houses that are knocked off their foundations and are empty and abandoned. This street got a surge of 20 feet of water when the levees broke in the hurricane and some 10 feet of water sat here for 3 weeks. There is no human living here now.
The flowers (larkspur) reseeded and are brightening up the desolate areas. In this particular yard the flowers had put forth such effort I got my boots out of my car and cleaned up lots of the hurricane debris and weeds in the yard so the flowers could have a better environment.
A contractor's truck drove by the desolate area and a man yelled "Hey, lady, ya crazy?" And, I replied "Yeah, a bloomin' idiot." He stopped and we had a good laugh.
Made my day.

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virginiacoastline12-Aug-2009 02:40
thank God for bloomin' idiots like you =)))
Danielle 23-Aug-2008 03:39
ANyone know what they are? I LOVE flowers that reseed. Makes the garden work easier.
petesie18-Apr-2006 11:55
What a world this would be if there were more "crazy" people like you, Coleen. What a wonderful uplifting story. You are one of a kind!
Gary Winters14-Apr-2006 02:53
Great story -- thanks for stopping and doing some cleaning up. I'm not even there and I appreciate it! These flowers are gorgeous!
Guest 14-Apr-2006 02:24
OOOOOH how Pretty
J. Scott Coile14-Apr-2006 02:20
I'll take crazy over most people's sanity ;) Nature's resilliance!!!