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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Galleries >> New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward After Hurricane Katrina > Fats Domino's House in Ninth Ward
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5 April 2006 Coleen Perilloux Landry

Fats Domino's House in Ninth Ward

New Orleans

Antoine Dominique "Fats" Domino was born in Frenier, Louisiana, in St. John Parish on the edge of Lake Pontchartrain and was 77 years old when Katrina struck New Orleans. He planned to ride out the storm in the place where he lived - the Ninth Ward. Then, the levees broke and flooded the City.
After several days he was rescued through a window off the roof of his house by emergency workers. News reports worldwide reported that Fats Domino had died in Hurricane. Even the people who rescued him and brought him to the St. Claude bridge over the Industrial Canal did not recognize him so it was a few days before everyone knew he was alive.
Some of his well known songs are "Blueberry Hill" and "Blue Monday". Oddly enough, August 29, 2005 was a Monday.
His house has been cleaned and repaired by volunteers but because there is no drinkable water yet in this neighborhood, he is not residing here.

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Debby Coday 30-Aug-2012 20:14
My mom wants to thank you for all the great music she had while she was growing up. She got to shake your hand in Merriville Indiana and that made her day. Keep up the good music. Her name is Sandy Bloom.
John S. Perilloux23-Apr-2010 15:47
A previous poster commented:
"How on earth do the state and federal governments get away with leaving area's without water for so long.
It's an absolute disgrace.
DUBYA want's dubbing."

Infrastructure in New Orleans has been neglected since the early 1970's. The city of New Orleans failed to maintain its waterworks and distribution system and now wants the federal government (i.e., U.S. taxpayers) to pick up the tab. It is not the responsibility of taxpayers in Boise, ID, or Norco, LA, to pay for the incompetence and corruption ingrained in New Orleans city government for almost four decades now.
Francesca Dell'osa 25-Nov-2007 04:01
My grandfather was a great fan of Fats Domino
Robin Dorantes 02-Oct-2006 02:18
Wow! The corner of Caffin & St. Claude. Bless his Heart!

thatfarmgirl05-Apr-2006 22:45
Glad Fats is okay and sorry I will miss him the second weekend of JazzFest. Walking To New Orleans was actually written by a little-known musician, Bobby Charles. He's one of my favorites.
Guest 05-Apr-2006 22:24
Great shot, Coleen.
Al Chesworth05-Apr-2006 22:00
Nice house.
How on earth do the state and federal governments get away with leaving area's without water for so long.
It's an absolute disgrace.
DUBYA want's dubbing.