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Shelton and Hawkins Family Photos

This is a photo of the Ila and Carroll family. Pictured in the photo are (seated, left to right):Shirley Shelton, Willie Carroll Shelton, Ila Hawkins Shelton, Dixie Shelton, (standing left to right): Pat and Wallace Shelton, Mack Shelton, Marvin Shelton, and Nellie Shelton.
Willie Carroll Shelton (1901-1968)
Willie Carroll Shelton (1901-1968)
Henry Gaddis Shelton and Martha Ann Mabes Shelton
Henry Gaddis Shelton and Martha Ann Mabes Shelton
Carroll and Ila Shelton
Carroll and Ila Shelton
Nellie Shelton Carter
Nellie Shelton Carter
Shelton Family Photo c.1949
Shelton Family Photo c.1949
Hawkins Family 1924
Hawkins Family 1924
Sarah Rhodes Hawkins (1870-1951)
Sarah Rhodes Hawkins (1870-1951)
Ila Shelton
Ila Shelton
Ila and Rilla
Ila and Rilla
Father and Daughter
Father and Daughter
Ila Shelton c.1920
Ila Shelton c.1920
Nellie May Shelton
Nellie May Shelton
Shirley Ann Shelton
Shirley Ann Shelton
Ila Shelton 2
Ila Shelton 2
Ila Shelton 3
Ila Shelton 3
Mack 2
Mack 2
Marvin Ray Shelton
Marvin Ray Shelton
1900 US Census: Hawkins, Mabe, Shelton
1900 US Census: Hawkins, Mabe, Shelton
Group Photo
Group Photo
Shelton Family c.1949 (Larger Version)
Shelton Family c.1949 (Larger Version)
Ila Shelton 4
Ila Shelton 4