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Selvin Chance | all galleries >> Galleries >> Unusual Flowers > Green Jade (Strongylodon macrobotrys)
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Green Jade (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

The red variety of this flower is oten referred to as, nuku I'iwi, the beak of the I'iwi bird.
This is due to its close resemblance to the curved beak of the scarlet red I'iwi (honeycreeper) bird found only in Hawaii.
The green blue color is relatively rare among flowers.

Minolta DiMAGE S404
1/64s f/3.6 at 15.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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inti26-Feb-2006 08:49
Magnificent..I've never seen such colour in a flower.
Terrific image Selvin - well captured.
best wishes Rob
Architectural Photography: Debra DiCandilo17-May-2005 08:25
Is this color real??? wow
CIS20-Feb-2005 19:21
Selvin, this is just so beautiful and unique!
I've never seen this before...thanks.