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Selvin Chance | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oh raindrops, so many raindrops... > Golden Rhododendron
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29-NOV-2002 Selvin Chance

Golden Rhododendron

Minolta DiMAGE S404
1/181s f/3.6 at 15.5mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 06-Mar-2005 19:01
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography13-Feb-2005 23:02
Superb image :)
Bob Hosker09-Oct-2004 03:41
This is a really wonderful image that puts a smile on my face.
Marie-Hélène Raletz16-Feb-2004 15:46
Gorgeous gradient tones!
;-)) Marie H.
Cindy21-Jan-2004 04:55
Beautiful, love the water drops on it. The colors are fantastic. Cindy.