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Please click on one of the thumbnails below to enter the gallery behind it.
City of Haarlem and The St. Bavo Church
:: City of Haarlem and The St. Bavo Church ::
Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem
:: Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem ::
Teylers Museum, Haarlem
:: Teylers Museum, Haarlem ::
Ypres, Belgium
:: Ypres, Belgium ::
Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium
:: Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium ::
Van Cleef Hotel, Bruges
:: Van Cleef Hotel, Bruges ::
Bruges, Belgium
:: Bruges, Belgium ::
Antwerp, Belgium
:: Antwerp, Belgium ::
The Charming Mauritshuis Art Gallery, The Hague
:: The Charming Mauritshuis Art Gallery, The Hague ::
Ghent, Belgium
:: Ghent, Belgium ::
The Fine Art Gallery Ghent (MSK)
:: The Fine Art Gallery Ghent (MSK) ::
:: Suffolk ::
Kenwood House, Hampstead, London
:: Kenwood House, Hampstead, London ::
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery
:: Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery ::
Royal Naval Submarine Museum
:: Royal Naval Submarine Museum ::
HMS Victory, Portsmouth
:: HMS Victory, Portsmouth ::
The Mary Rose, Portsmouth
:: The Mary Rose, Portsmouth ::
Blickling Estate, Norfolk
:: Blickling Estate, Norfolk ::
Lyon, France
:: Lyon, France ::
Annecy, France
:: Annecy, France ::
Troyes, France
:: Troyes, France ::
Lyon, Musee des Beaux Arts
:: Lyon, Musee des Beaux Arts ::
Cite Du Train
:: Cite Du Train ::
Manchester Art Gallery
:: Manchester Art Gallery ::
The Wonders of The National Gallery, London
:: The Wonders of The National Gallery, London ::
Musee d'Orsay, Paris
:: Musee d'Orsay, Paris ::
A virtual Tour of Musee du Louvre, Paris
:: A virtual Tour of Musee du Louvre, Paris ::
The Delights of Tate Britain, London
:: The Delights of Tate Britain, London ::
Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral
:: Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral ::
The Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
:: The Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool ::
Port Sunlight and The Lady Lever Art Gallery
:: Port Sunlight and The Lady Lever Art Gallery ::
Speke Hall
:: Speke Hall ::
Liverpool Anglican Cathedral
:: Liverpool Anglican Cathedral ::
Merseyside Maritime Museum
:: Merseyside Maritime Museum ::
:: Liverpool ::
Sudley House, Liverpool
:: Sudley House, Liverpool ::
:: France ::
:: Paris ::
:: Italy ::
:: Amsterdam ::
Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
:: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam ::
Chur, Switzerland and the Road to Brig
:: Chur, Switzerland and the Road to Brig ::
Brig, Switzerland and the Simplon Pass
:: Brig, Switzerland and the Simplon Pass ::
:: Fashion ::
First Ballet Shoot
:: First Ballet Shoot ::
:: Barcelona ::
Swiss Rail Tour
:: Swiss Rail Tour ::
:: London ::
:: Scotland ::
:: Dover ::
:: York ::
Coventry Cathedrals
:: Coventry Cathedrals ::
Cornwall  (2010)
:: Cornwall (2010) ::
Somerset (2009)
:: Somerset (2009) ::
The Peak District
:: The Peak District ::
Devon & Cornwall (September 2008)
:: Devon & Cornwall (September 2008) ::
North Yorkshire (May 2004)
:: North Yorkshire (May 2004) ::
North Wales (October 2004)
:: North Wales (October 2004) ::
 North Yorkshire (May 2005)
::  North Yorkshire (May 2005) ::
Somerset (October 2003)
:: Somerset (October 2003) ::
Athelhampton House
:: Athelhampton House ::
A Photo Every Day, 1st September 2003 - 31st August 2004
:: A Photo Every Day, 1st September 2003 - 31st August 2004 ::
From Time to Time
:: From Time to Time ::
Cockney Alphabet
:: Cockney Alphabet ::
Steam Railways of the UK
:: Steam Railways of the UK ::
Merchant Navy 1965-66
:: Merchant Navy 1965-66 ::
Fire Service 1973 - 1997
:: Fire Service 1973 - 1997 ::
Ruth and Louise
:: Ruth and Louise ::
The Victoria and Albert Museum: London
:: The Victoria and Albert Museum: London ::
Henry Moore Sculpture
:: Henry Moore Sculpture ::
St Alban's Abbey 28th February 2005
:: St Alban's Abbey 28th February 2005 ::
Harpenden countryside
:: Harpenden countryside ::
Heather & Joe's Wedding
:: Heather & Joe's Wedding ::
The Wedding of Jenny and Steve
:: The Wedding of Jenny and Steve ::
Canon 20D & EF 17-40 f4 L Lens
:: Canon 20D & EF 17-40 f4 L Lens ::
Canon 20D & EFS 17-85 f4-5.6 IS Lens
:: Canon 20D & EFS 17-85 f4-5.6 IS Lens ::
Canon 20D & EF 70-200 f4 L Lens
:: Canon 20D & EF 70-200 f4 L Lens ::
Canon 20D & EF 100mm f2.8 Macro Lens
:: Canon 20D & EF 100mm f2.8 Macro Lens ::
Anything Goes
:: Anything Goes ::
Trial By Jury
:: Trial By Jury ::
London Cuckolds
:: London Cuckolds ::
Close to the Wind
:: Close to the Wind ::
Harry George, born 20th September 2004
:: Harry George, born 20th September 2004 ::
James Ernest, born 16th August 2002
:: James Ernest, born 16th August 2002 ::