Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Great Blue Heron |
Hermit Thrush |
Cattail - spreading seed in the wind. |
Yellow-rumped Warbler |
Raccoon |
Red Fox Kit |
Mushroom |
Nature's Sculpture |
Soft Landing |
Snow Frost |
Hooded Mergansers |
Mallard Duck - Looking for Springtime |
Hooded Merganser |
Green-backed Heron |
Red-spotted Purple Butterfly |
Beaver Lodge |
Tree Swallow |
Hairy Dragonfly |
Green-backed Heron |
Coral Fungi - clavarioid fungi |
Peek-a-Boo! |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
American Goldfinch - male |
Get your own flower |
Dragon Fly - Blue Dasher |
Swamp Rose |
Bull Frog |
North American Beaver |
Arrow arum |
Radio Controlled Boat Racing |
Wild Blue Iris |
Red-winged Blackbird |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
American Robin - Male |
Hooded Merganser - Male |
Common Merganser - Male |
Ring-billed Gull |
Gadwall Ducks |
Goose Feather |
Goldenrod |
Great Blue Heron |
The Beginning and the End |
First Hint of Spring |
Winter Cattail |
Cold Gum Ball |
Winter Stream |
Gadwall Ducks |
Monarch Butterfly |
Hummingbird Moth |
Early Autumn |
Skipper on a Zinnia |
Burdock |
Eastern Cottontail Rabbit |
Dragon Fly - Blue Dasher |
Button Bush |
Bumble Bee on a Coneflower |
Mourning Dove |
Mushrooms |
Mushroom |
Silver-Spotted Skipper Butterfly |
Northern Oriole (Baltimore Oriole) |
Mute Swans |
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail - Female |
Hummingbird Moth on a Button Bush |
Hummingbird Moth II |
Mimosa Blossom |
Dragonfly - Blue Dasher |
Kayaking Mill Creek |
Love-in-a-Mist - Nigella damascena |
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis |
Wild Iris |
Primrose |
Bumble Bee |
Gray Catbird - Dumetella carlinensis |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
Mourning Cloak Butterfly - Nymphalis antiopa |
Daffodils, waiting for a warmer day |
Crocus |
Icicles & Water Lilies |
Tiger Swallow-Tail Butterfly |
Magnolia Lake |
New York Asters |
Fleecy Milkcap Mushroom |
Early Autumn |
Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies, Mating Dance |
4 Eyes |
Hummingbird Moth |
Cardinal Flower |
Crimson-Eyed Rose-Mallow |
Pink Mallow |
Black Swallowtail Butterfly |
Female Mallard and Ducklings |
Eastern Red-bellied Turtle |
Swamp Rose |
Green Backed Heron |
Bull Frog |
Mushroom |
Turtles on a Log |
Spring Beauty |
Early Springtime in Delhaas Woods |
Autumn Shadows |
Jack-O-Lantern Mushroom |
Blood Flower - Oriental Milkweed |
Morning Glory |
Wood Thrush |
Umbrella Magnolia Seed Cone |
Red Bud |
Columbine |
Eastern Box Turtle |
Mill Creek |
Skunk Cabbage Blossom |
Ground Hog |
Wild Pink Azalea |
Cinnamon Fern II |
Jack-in-the-Pulpit |
Blue Iris |
Yellow Iris |
Dandelion |
Blueberry Blossoms II |
Apple Blossoms |
Bellwort |
Delhaas Woods Trail |
American Dogwood |
Silver Lake Trail |
Dogwood Blossoms |
Umbrella Magnolia Flower |
Nature Center Pond |
Trail in Springtime |
Observation Deck Entrance |
Nature Center Pond II |
Wild Blueberry Blossoms |
Frog Eyes |
Great Horned Owl |
Red Admiral |
Mourning Cloak |
Green Frog |
Spiderwort |
Cabbage Butterflies Mudding |
Butterfly Garden |
Spring Beauty |
Red-winged Blackbird |
Vine Scared Branch |
Daffodil |
Canada Geese |
Budding Trees |
Excalibur |
Maple Tree Blossom |
Skunk Cabbage Flower |
Daffodil Buds |
Cinnamon Fern |
Mourning Doves |
Hooded Merganser |
Time for Maple Syrup. |
Fern |
Last Snow |
Club Moss |
Alder Bush Tassels |
Great Blue Heron |
Tulip Poplar Cone |
Tree Decoration |
Sweetgum Ball on Snow |
Praying Mantis Portrait |
Shadows at Sunrise |
Daybreak |
Fall Color |
Jack-O-Lantern Mushroom |
Black Swallow-Tail Caterpillar |
Hummingbird Moth |
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly |
Green Frog |
Mill Creek |
Sunlight on a dead branch. |
Luna Moth Caterpillar |
Fungus on a dead log |
Milk Weed Bugs |
Bumble Bee & Milk Weed Bugs |
Morning Glory |
Zinnia |
Skipper - Confused Cloudywing? |
Buttonbush Flower |
The Hollow Tree |
Red Admiral Butterfly |
Buttonbush Flowers |
Grass Plant (Name Unknown) |
Red Wing Blackbird |
Lizard's Tail |
Green Frog Eyes |
Dragon Fly - Blue Dasher |
Cone Flower |
Golden Alexander |
Spiderwort |
Pin Oak in Bloom |
Apple Blossoms |
Maple Blossom |
Crocus |
Majestic White Oak |
This way to the woods |
Decoration |
Snow Tracks |
Winter Trail |
Zinnia |
Magnolia Lake |
Tiger Swallowtail |
Indian Pipes or Corpse Plant |
Blue Heron |
Mill Creek |