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Profile for Scott B Nelson
Name Scott B Nelson (joined 06-Aug-2011) (pbase supporter)
Username scott_nelson
Location Seattle
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View Galleries : Scott B Nelson has 92 galleries and 1843 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 142495 times.

View Guestbook : 1 messages. Most recent on 25-Apr-2015.

Message from Scott B Nelson
I first got into photography as a teenager and was fascinated with trees for some reason. As I grew older, and was able to re-find my love for photography and with the dawn of Digital a new world opened up.
To mw, photography is really about capturing a moment in time, it's about finding a perspective on the things that are all around us and capturing it.
It's important to me that an image evokes an emotion from the person looking at it. Something they can connect to and relate with, or has a perspective that may not be normally seen, or just that it's beautiful.

I hope that something of what I'm capturing is stirring some emotion for you

If you are interested in using or purchasing any photos, please contact me at

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