Orchids on window sill |
 Aerides falcata v houllutiana plant IMG05500 |
 Aerides fieldingii IMG02154 |
 Ansellia africana IMG03545 |
 Barkeria skinneri X plant IMG02707 |
 Bletilla striata IMG01143 |
 Bulbophyllum lipidum IMG01390 |
 Calanthe densiflora plant IMG05875 |
 Cattleya maxima #1 IMG06038 |
 Cattleya Porcia 'Cannizzaro' |
 Cattleya walkeriana #4 IMG03462 |
 Chysis bractescens IMG03661 |
 Clowesia russellianum IMG01789 |
 Cymbidium Dag 'Dorothy' |
 Cymbidium Tethys 'BlackMajic' |
 Cyrtopodium punctatum (or x, from honey bee confusion) ol |
 Dendrobiums hanging - Phal type IMG08219 |
 Dendrobium aphyllum #2(pierrardii) |
 Dendrobium kingianum |
 Dendrobium loddigesii #1 |
 Bardendrum Nanboh Pixy ? Salinas Orchids |
 Epidendrum - Yavapai County Fair IMG02269 |
 Epidendrum 'Deep Purple' plant IMG01729 |
 Epidendrum Oerstedella centradenia #1 IMG03675 |
 Isochilus linearis |
 Laelia Amoena IMG02260 |
 Laelia Amoena and anceps IMG02263 |
 Laelia fidalensis |
 Laelia lobata alba IMG01901 |
 Laelia sincorana MG05568 |
 Miltonia Limelight X St. Hellier IMG01492 |
 Neofinetia falcata #2 IMG10330 |
 Octomeria gehrtii IMG04655 |
 Oncidium ornithorhynchum plant IMG05807 |
 Oncidium sphacelatum 'McLellan Select' ol |
 Paphiopedilum concolor plant IMG05872 |
 Paphiopedilum delenatii 2 IMG03994 |
 Paphiopedilum parishii IMG01283 |
 Papilionanthe (Aerides) vandarum |
 Pleurothalis schiedei IMG04659 |
 Phragmipedium caudatum ol |
 Phragmipedium ecuadorense (piercei) IMG05579 |
 Promanea xanthina IMG05449 |
 Sarcochilus hartmanii #1 |
 Schomburgkia wenlandii IMG04221 |
 Sobralia macrantha IMG05282 |
 Sophronitis cernua IMG03312 |
 Stanhopia Spindleriana |
 Stelis itatiayae plant IMG05890 |
 Vanda hybrid and Renancentrum behind IMG01889 |
 Papilionanthe (Vanda) teres #2 plant IMG05851 |
 Vanda testacea IMG04934 |
 Vandopsis gigantea |
 Bifrenaria aureo-fulva IMG05768 |
 Brassavola nodosa 'Susan Fuchs' FCC/AOS IMG05796 |
 Dyakia hendersoniana #1 IMG05777 |
 Phragmipedium harwegii IMG05724 |
 Trisetella hoeijeri IMG05849 |
[ potted_vandas ]