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Christopher Schardt | profile | all galleries >> Projects >> Ping >> Periscope tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Burning Man 2003 | Burning Man 2002 | 4th of July | Design | Full Views | Nose | Tail | Deck | Periscope | Squirt | Interior | Engine | Van | Studio


Periscope Assembled.jpg
Periscope Assembled.jpg
Hull Breached.jpg
Hull Breached.jpg
Periscope Hole.jpg
Periscope Hole.jpg
Periscope First Ride.jpg
Periscope First Ride.jpg
Conning Tower Frame.jpg
Conning Tower Frame.jpg
The 3 Sizes of Fins.jpg
The 3 Sizes of Fins.jpg
Conning Tower Done.jpg
Conning Tower Done.jpg
Periscope Mounted.jpg
Periscope Mounted.jpg
Conning Tower Mounted.jpg
Conning Tower Mounted.jpg