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Sayer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scenic Views > Blackwater Sunset
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22-OCT-2007 Sayer

Blackwater Sunset

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

Canon EOS 1D Mark II ,Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM
1/1000s f/11.0 at 560.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ashley Hockenberry26-Sep-2010 01:30
Nice work !
Robyco06-Jan-2008 12:15
Excellent mood and well composed !! (V)
Guest 18-Dec-2007 17:16
Agree with ALL - Just a GREAT capture! Super timing BV :)
Guest 15-Dec-2007 02:47
Incredible, look at the size of it!
Janet Forjan-Freedman14-Dec-2007 12:30
Marvellous capture! The sharpness and exposure are spot on!
Gus Rosenfeld14-Dec-2007 07:11
Ever so slightly - - AMAZING! Great image Sayer. Congrats' - g
CIS14-Dec-2007 05:24
Swoon.....this is a priceless shot and moment.
Guest 14-Dec-2007 04:18
What a stunning sunset!!! It looks surreal... vtd
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