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Sayer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scenic Views > Snow Geese at Dusk
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25-NOV-2006 Sayer

Snow Geese at Dusk

Chincoteague, Virginia

It was dusk and suddenly they all went airborne.
You can see the waves in the water that they left behind.
The slow shutter speed (set for a landscape shot) gave them a dreamy look.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 14-Dec-2007 03:57
Wow, I like this one even better! Very smart use of slow shutter speed! Love it!
Guest 04-May-2007 22:10
A scene to remember, you must be thrilled just being there
Joe Lasker01-Dec-2006 06:17
Great catch!
Guest 01-Dec-2006 03:02
Perhaps the type of shot which inspired Hitchcock! The effect works very well, Sayer. As Karen would say, "print, frame and hang!"
ifotog01-Dec-2006 02:50
Cool. That's alotta birds.
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