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Sayer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites - 2006 > Tiny Hopper
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29-JUL-2006 Sayer

Tiny Hopper

Sunrise Valley Park

This is a side view of the tip of my finger. (and no, I do not have a giant finger!)

Canon EOS 350D ,Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro
1/200s f/14.0 at 105.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 02-Jul-2016 03:02
That lil guy is soo cute good pic. by the way:)
Guest 26-Nov-2014 16:53
does it bite or sucked blood; caused i found something like that; i don't know whats it called thats why i search for it
Guest 09-Nov-2007 16:53
Where can u find those?
Guest 30-Aug-2006 03:34
Wow, what a shot.
Guest 02-Aug-2006 09:43
Good shot! It certainly gives a better idea of how small it is.
Guest 02-Aug-2006 01:20
Nice little "clear wing", I haven't ran acoss one of these. Good shot of the little guy.
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