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Sayer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dragonflies & Damselflies > Dragon Close-Up
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08-JUL-2006 Sayer

Dragon Close-Up

Accotink Bay Wildlife Refuge

The red and green eyes were captivating.
I did not do this one justice with the photos.
It was that much more beautiful in person.

Canon EOS 350D ,Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro
1/200s f/16.0 at 105.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 19-Jul-2007 08:44
Excellent macro!
Daniel Llavaneras 02-Sep-2006 02:59
Amazing shot! Is this a crop or is it the complete pic?
Keep up the good work!

Daniel Llavaneras
Terry Thormin19-Jul-2006 15:52
A great macro shot! GMV
Guest 11-Jul-2006 20:57
This is awesome, but how on earth did you get that close!
Guest 11-Jul-2006 06:04
Maybe SOME day I'll be around some of these. They are beautiful, and this looks good to me!
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