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Sayer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites - 2006 > Grasshopper
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04-JUL-2006 Sayer


Riverbend Park, Virginia

Lots of grasshoppers to choose from.

Canon EOS 350D ,Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro
1/200s f/16.0 at 105.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 02-Jul-2016 03:00
That's the cutest nymph (baby grasshoppers) I've ever seen :)
Guest 03-Oct-2015 00:25
What species of grasshopper is this?
Guest 29-Oct-2012 16:44
Guest 29-Oct-2012 16:42
cute dog
Jako.Y 06-Jun-2007 16:28
what a great picture!
Guest 05-Jul-2006 08:51
Excellent shot again :-)
Guest 05-Jul-2006 04:42
From all the nymphs hopping around here, looks like a record year!
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