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18-JUN-2006 Sayer

Blue Heron's Prize Catch

Huntley Meadows Park

I did not realize what the Blue Heron had in it's beak until I viewed it on the PC.

** An 11x14 print of this photo won 1st Place at the Huntley Meadows photo show in November 2006.

Canon EOS 350D ,Canon EF 400mm f/5.6L USM
1/3200s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso400 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Mike Loring Photography28-Oct-2009 14:54
wow just a fantastic catch here!
Guest 21-Jul-2007 11:15
Outstanding image!
Ann Pettigrew14-Jul-2007 04:44
I can see why this won. Really neat shot. I wonder what dragon it is that he caught. Beautiful! Ann
Guest 04-May-2007 22:09
sweet catch!! both of you.
fotabug10-Dec-2006 23:08
Superb image. GMV
Maureen08-Dec-2006 14:15
Wow, great catch and a beautiful shot. Well deserved win!
Guest 07-Dec-2006 17:26
Congratulations - a photo that truly deserves 1st prize.
Janet Forjan-Freedman07-Dec-2006 13:14
Well deserved! Congratulations, Janet
Ramiek07-Dec-2006 08:49
WOW, great image!
Rick07-Dec-2006 03:19
Wow Sayer, what an image..
Guest 07-Dec-2006 02:21
congrats!!!!! that is an amazing photo!
dawn07-Dec-2006 02:14
this is AWESOME!
Guest 06-Dec-2006 16:33
Conratulations on winning 1st place with this photo Sayer. I wondered why this one had moved up in the gallery. A well deserved first!!
Jvan Photography08-Jul-2006 17:26
He is doing something eating a bug so that is interesting, then the green folage keeps your eye moveing but then stops it and sends it back up to the bird then to the the eye just keeps moving around...that is very good, I also like how it's eye is lit up. It looks almost like there was water below that was reflecting the sun up into it's eye, because it looks like the eye should be in shadow...very nice capture
angelique raptakis24-Jun-2006 06:36
an amazing photo! you've got great detail and perfect timing with the poor little dragonfly. nicely done
Brian Sartor21-Jun-2006 12:10
Doesn't get any better than this! Perfect exposure - sharp - great composition!
Guest 20-Jun-2006 00:42
That is just awesome, a truly spectacular shot Sayer!!
Rod Rees 19-Jun-2006 21:07
Why don'cha quit awready! Makes me not even wanna try.
Ron Crain19-Jun-2006 16:53
Wonderful image Sayer. Great framing and wonderful curves
Guest 19-Jun-2006 15:41
Absolutely beautiful Sayer.
Beryl Hauri-Gersch19-Jun-2006 15:41
Wow, this is wonderful capture! I love the detail in the feathers, never mind the insect! Amazing!
Janet Forjan-Freedman19-Jun-2006 15:27
The detail is amazing and the capture and composition are tremendous and reflects your perfect timing! Very nice feather detail and colour and a perfect background. Janet
Gary Martin19-Jun-2006 15:27
Beautiful capture - so delicate for such a large bird
Bob Gilley19-Jun-2006 15:26
Wonderful photo Sayer. What Detail you got!
Guest 19-Jun-2006 15:26
Good catch woderful shot...
ifotog19-Jun-2006 15:24
Even without the dragonfly this would have been an exceptional image - but with it, it is truly superb.
Joe Lasker19-Jun-2006 15:15
Wow, Sayer. Outstanding image!
Guest 19-Jun-2006 15:14
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!! Its got a dragon :-( I hate herons now lol.
Joking aside, this is the most amazing shot, the feather detail on the heron is incredible, colours are fabulous and to top it all you have captured the heron with the dragonfly in its mouth. Truly wonderful, well done.
CIS19-Jun-2006 03:53
This is Absolutely Spectacular.....WOW!!!
Gorgeous clarity, details and colour!
Daniella T.19-Jun-2006 03:16
Beautiful image!
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