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Sayer | all galleries >> Parks & Refuges >> Burke Lake Park > Jumping Spider Story Part - 6
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15-APR-2006 Sayer

Jumping Spider Story Part - 6

Burke Lake Park, Virginia

It was time for me to leave. So we said goodbye.
Skip watched as I headed down the forest path.

Canon EOS 350D ,Canon MP-E65mm f/2.8 1-5X Macro
1/200s f/16.0 at 65.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 18-Apr-2016 23:06
U no no knowledge
bffdjg 29-Oct-2012 16:33
Guest 29-Oct-2012 16:32
Guest 29-Oct-2012 16:30
Guest 29-Oct-2012 16:29
Linda & Pär Johansson24-Sep-2010 10:31
Wonderful capture of a great, great spider! V
Guest 17-Jun-2008 16:10
looks like a scary critter
Guest 30-Jan-2008 09:50
OH my word, now THAT'S detail! Heck, Sayer, what a catch,
I know how darn tiny these critters are!
Guest 21-Jul-2007 11:11
Excellent shot!
Guest 04-May-2007 22:14
Wonderful Macro!
Guest 07-Dec-2006 16:08
Pablo Yáñez15-Oct-2006 05:54
again -- outstanding!! voted
Arlon21-Aug-2006 22:30
This is one of my favorite "bugs" on pbase. Very neat picture, thanks for sharing it with us! Arlon
Guest 22-Apr-2006 09:57
I had to back up and comment. Very impressive series! Looks like you're using a softbox on these? My plan is the Minolta after I get the off camera cord in the next couple of weeks for it. Still put out with the results of my 300D situation. The 65's doing a fine job for you, this series really does you proud. Thanks
Guest 17-Apr-2006 00:43
I love your story, lol!! And the shots are fascinating. You did a wonderful job.
Guest 16-Apr-2006 21:57
What a fabulous sequence of shots Sayer. Incredible detail and what a character you found lol.
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