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Sayer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites - 2006 > Eastern Smooth Green Snake
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11-MAR-2006 Sayer

Eastern Smooth Green Snake

Huntley Meadows Park

This may actually be a Rough Green Snake....

Canon EOS 350D ,Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro
1/200s f/16.0 at 105.0mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ashley Hockenberry25-Nov-2010 17:17
Guest 30-Nov-2006 14:11
This is great - well captured and the depth of field is spot on! The lighting is just right too...
Rich Westfall21-Sep-2006 19:39
Great closeup - too close up for me. Wonderful detail, Sayer.
Guest 09-May-2006 03:55
Lovely colour.. still creepy to me..
Martin Schiff13-Mar-2006 05:45
Great job, Sayer. Amazing that you were able to get so close without the snake leaving.
Janet Forjan-Freedman12-Mar-2006 23:46
Wow! Great shot Sayer. The colours are quite beautiful and the detail is terrific. Janet
dawn12-Mar-2006 21:34
this is excellent. Didn't the snake get a tad jumpy from the flash?
Arno Meintjes Wildlife12-Mar-2006 21:16
Fantastic image. Arno
Guest 12-Mar-2006 20:43
Fantastic shot Sayer!
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