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Sayer | all galleries >> Zoos, Animals & Aquaria >> Various Animals & Critters > Eye on You!
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07-FEB-2009 Sayer

Eye on You!

Detroit Zoo, Michigan

Another photo of "Hank" the iguana.
I couldn't resist taking a close-up of her eye when she let us get so close.

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bill friedlander10-Jul-2009 01:47
Outstanding macro shot. Exceptionally fine details, colors, and textures. V
Randy Adams02-Apr-2009 16:08
Fantastic macro! great work Sayer! V
cits_4_pets22-Feb-2009 20:10
Great, nice eye shot. Reptiles have such pretty eyes. v
Guest 18-Feb-2009 16:15
Fantastic POV. Vote
Terri Steele18-Feb-2009 14:14
This is truly spectacular... You are definitely the macro master.... I am humbled.
Robyco17-Feb-2009 12:37
Great details !! (V)
Matthew Mannell16-Feb-2009 19:24
And what a gorgeous eye it is, nice job.
Jean Chiasson15-Feb-2009 22:17
Fantastic close up sharp Sayer vote
Eric Herbelin15-Feb-2009 12:36
Unbelievable! V
Guest 14-Feb-2009 15:30
whoa!!!!! whooooaaaaaa!!!!!! :D
Guest 14-Feb-2009 06:50
Now this is a close-up! I can understand why you couldn't resist doing this - very nicely conceived and taken.
Guest 13-Feb-2009 13:00
really great! V
Guest 13-Feb-2009 12:48
Milos Markovic12-Feb-2009 22:59
Guest 12-Feb-2009 20:35
Great shot! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos12-Feb-2009 18:57
Amazing macro and superb details. V.
Carol Rollins12-Feb-2009 12:11
Wow, Sayer, this is amazing. Fantastic close up of her eye. Superb macro shot.
Sandi Whitteker12-Feb-2009 05:34
Fantastic capture! Feel like I'm watching Jurassic park again.
Guest 12-Feb-2009 00:52
Fabulous eye details, Sayer... Excellent!
Wenche Aune11-Feb-2009 23:03
Great macro. V
Marco Valk11-Feb-2009 18:09
awesome detail and clarity. voted
Tricia11-Feb-2009 16:43
What amazing details you have captured in her!
Guest 11-Feb-2009 15:34
Amazing shot, Sayer! Excellent details! v.
Janet Forjan-Freedman11-Feb-2009 13:28
I love the tight crop! Shows off the structure of the eye and scales perfectly!
Guest 11-Feb-2009 12:39
WOW, such detail and comp!
Guest 11-Feb-2009 09:06
This is incredible - such detail...looks like stonework around his eye ...
Art Parnell11-Feb-2009 03:58
Talk about a closeup! Perfect in every way, Sayer.
Bill Robinson11-Feb-2009 02:45
Terrific detail!
CIS11-Feb-2009 02:15
I could stare back until it blinks.:o) Honestly a fantastic macro.
Tom Torbert11-Feb-2009 02:11
The eye of the dragon... V
Jay Levin11-Feb-2009 01:13
Another amazing capture of your iguana friend, Sayer. Even more fascinating use of your macro. Vote
Guest 11-Feb-2009 01:10
wow, that looks fantastic!
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