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Sandy Selesky | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> summer_2011 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Piping Plover and babies photographed on June 26 at Sandy Pt. State Reservation on Plum Island, Newburyport, MA with Canon 7D and Canon 500 f4 lens and 1.4 teleconverter. The Common and Least Tern images were taken in mid-July at Plymouth Beach, Plymouth,MA except for the last 2 images of Least Tern with Baby and Least Tern Family. These were taken August 12 at Sandy Pt. State Reservation, Plum Island. Black Bear is from Waterton National Park in Canada. Eventually I'll be posting images from our Glacier NP trip the end of July.
Piping Plover and baby better.jpg
Piping Plover and baby better.jpg
Piping Plover with baby calling.jpg
Piping Plover with baby calling.jpg
Piping Plover with 3 babies.jpg
Piping Plover with 3 babies.jpg
Piping Plover and baby 2.jpg
Piping Plover and baby 2.jpg
Piping Plover with babies under wing facing.jpg
Piping Plover with babies under wing facing.jpg
Piping Plover with 2 babies.jpg
Piping Plover with 2 babies.jpg
Piping Plover babies under moms wing.jpg
Piping Plover babies under moms wing.jpg
Piping Plover with babies under wing 2.jpg
Piping Plover with babies under wing 2.jpg
Piping Plover w babies under wing 3.jpg
Piping Plover w babies under wing 3.jpg
Piping Plover cuddles baby.jpg
Piping Plover cuddles baby.jpg
Piping Plover with baby and 2 under wing.jpg
Piping Plover with baby and 2 under wing.jpg
Piping Plover cuddling baby 2.jpg
Piping Plover cuddling baby 2.jpg
Piping Plover newborn baby.jpg
Piping Plover newborn baby.jpg
Common Tern baby posing.jpg
Common Tern baby posing.jpg
Common Tern baby yelling.jpg
Common Tern baby yelling.jpg
Common Tern babies begging.jpg
Common Tern babies begging.jpg
Common Tern with 2 babies.jpg
Common Tern with 2 babies.jpg
Common Tern yelling with baby.jpg
Common Tern yelling with baby.jpg
Common Tern feeding babies.jpg
Common Tern feeding babies.jpg
Common Tern and baby with fish.jpg
Common Tern and baby with fish.jpg
Least Tern with newborn baby in egg.jpg
Least Tern with newborn baby in egg.jpg
Common Tern on post.jpg
Common Tern on post.jpg
CommonTern in Flight.jpg
CommonTern in Flight.jpg
CommonTerns Fighting in flight.jpg
CommonTerns Fighting in flight.jpg
CommonTern withd 2 fish.jpg
CommonTern withd 2 fish.jpg
Common Tern baby stretching wings.jpg
Common Tern baby stretching wings.jpg
Least Tern and Baby.jpg
Least Tern and Baby.jpg
Least Tern family.jpg
Least Tern family.jpg