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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favorites > Poetry in Motion
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09-JAN-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Poetry in Motion

Bosque del Apache

Early morning, and the vibrant orange sky makes the perfect backdrop to showcase the beauty and grace of this sandhill crane.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ron LaCroix22-Jan-2010 08:23
Add my voice to the chorus of praise. ~ V
vicente machado 06-Oct-2009 23:06
Classic shot !
andrewd_za06-Jul-2009 19:34
I know 'wow' is a bit overused for commenting on images but I'd like to add my 'wow' anyway. Well captured and presented.

Poetry in motion indeed. ~V
Michael Weinberg25-Jan-2009 20:58
Terrific form. So good, that it would make a good logo for an Airline or perhaps a delivery service. Michael
Yiannis Pavlis03-Dec-2008 04:17
The image is incredible with marvelous details and effective tones! Amazing timing and capture .V
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma02-Dec-2008 20:01
Excellent ! V
Bob Reynolds19-Jul-2008 20:51
I love simple uncluttered compositions and the ability that they often have to speak to the viewer in such powerful ways. This one speaks volumes. An truly amazing photograph.
Marisa Livet18-Jul-2008 19:16
Impossible to do better , according to my tastes, for a photo of this kind.
Marisa Livet18-Jul-2008 19:15
Absolutely splendid, next time I'll think to take a pictures of a bird, I'll think of this one and I'll give up ;^))
Guest 12-Jul-2008 00:26
Great color. Nice job. v
Tom Munson06-Jul-2008 16:39
This ones a winner, Sandi. Great shot.
Apostolos Tikopoulos24-Jun-2008 19:35
Superb composition and colours. V.
Neal Nye24-Jun-2008 11:59
Magnificent shot. For that matter, this gallery is filled with magnificent shots!
Alina24-Jun-2008 01:51
Very Beautiful, Sandi (v)
Giancarlo Guzzardi22-Jun-2008 21:47
beautiful idea and realization
Guest 21-Jun-2008 13:23
Beautiful composition.
Nick Powell19-Jun-2008 19:29
A fabulous capture, well done Sandi! V
Paul Keates19-Jun-2008 18:56
Wow, Sandi........ this is magnificent. V.
globalgadabout19-Jun-2008 13:25
beautiful and enchanting capture...V
Guest 19-Jun-2008 12:35
Kinda Cool Sandi Wonderful....... Love the unique background. Congrats V
Gerard Koehl19-Jun-2008 05:04
Wow... perfect. V
January Grey19-Jun-2008 04:51
A lovely backdrop for this wonderful silhouette. Beautiful shot, Sandi!
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)19-Jun-2008 00:00
Fantastic shot of sharpness and colour. V!
Jess. ( Lady.D.)18-Jun-2008 22:34
Wonderful flight capture and glorious colour...
peterjay4518-Jun-2008 20:21
This really is a great capture, Sandi.
Barb18-Jun-2008 19:22
Great image . V
marie-jose wolff18-Jun-2008 18:27
wonderful silhouette! V
Emmanuel Panagiotakis18-Jun-2008 18:17
Excellent picture here my friend, thanks for all the comments about my work
I have been very busy with work , talk to you soon
fdt18-Jun-2008 15:32
Great shot. f
Diana Whiting18-Jun-2008 14:42
Nice shot of a beautiful bird.
Marcia Colelli18-Jun-2008 14:10
Very lovely capture
Lise Trempe18-Jun-2008 13:34
Superb shot in silhouette, great capture and beautiful tones in the sky.
QUERIDO18-Jun-2008 13:24
very nice shot,vote
Peter Sussex18-Jun-2008 12:53
Am I leafing the NatGeo?:) Wonderful!
john savage18-Jun-2008 12:45
Super image Sandi, V
Esa Ervasti18-Jun-2008 08:26
Like an icon on the sky. Top catch!
Xavi Barneda18-Jun-2008 08:21
Gorgeous shot, wonderful colours and shapes V!!
Brian McAllister18-Jun-2008 06:16
Beautiful flight shot....
Carol Rollins18-Jun-2008 04:23
Oh yes! This is stunning Sandi. Excellent work. V
Mindy McNaugher18-Jun-2008 02:38
Spectacular!!! Vote!
Jean D18-Jun-2008 02:15
Superb action shot, Sandi! ~V~
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad18-Jun-2008 02:03
Wonderful isolation of subject. Almost like an ink drawing. V
Catherine Gardner18-Jun-2008 01:20
Great timing Sandi with beautiful colors!
Guest 18-Jun-2008 01:03
Very cool. v
Sam Rua18-Jun-2008 00:25
Wow. Another stunning image, Sandi. Gorgeous. V.
Yves Marquis18-Jun-2008 00:07
fantastic sandi
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