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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bosque del Apache... It's for the Birds!! > Let... the Sun Shine! Let the Sunshine In...the Sun Shine In!
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Let... the Sun Shine! Let the Sunshine In...the Sun Shine In!

Anyone remember this great song from Hair? Memories of it ran through my head each
morning as I waited for the sun to break the horizon, and it's beautiful rays to warm me up.
I know I'm a woose, having lived most of my life in SoCal, but really, it was SO cold out
there just before dawn! Whatever this crane is feelng, the sun surely plays well on him.

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monica memoli24-Mar-2011 23:19
Wow! v
Doug Sherman09-Sep-2010 01:50
Beautiful image Sandi of a very difficult situation to capture correctly!
Guest 14-Aug-2009 01:22
Brillant shot. Superb light and warmth colors. V
andrewd_za06-Jul-2009 19:42
Another fantastic image... It looks like a very 'special' place to be.
bill friedlander04-Jul-2008 16:54
Let the sun shine in
Take it with a grin
Thats the version I remember. What ever hardships you went through to get this
shot, it was worth it. You came up with a winner. V
Marisa Livet27-Jun-2008 16:42
This flying crane all gold in the warm morning sun is a splendid picture, Sandi!
You captures it at the right time and in the right light, so the photo come out original, not only technical excellent.
tomandlinda25-Jun-2008 18:22
Beautiful sun on this bird. Great composition. V. Linda
Neal Nye24-Jun-2008 12:03
This has to be one of the best bird pictures ever!
Craig Artlett10-Jun-2008 22:34
More great colors and light. Excellent composition. Beautiful shot. Vote.
Guest 07-Jun-2008 20:27
Beautiful shot, Well Done V
Aivar Mikko28-May-2008 18:43
Beautiful inflight. Very nice light.
Tom Briggs27-May-2008 18:13
Marvelous capture, Sandi ... one of the best anywhere ... HUGE vote
JW27-May-2008 15:21
Stunning shot! What gorgeous light
Denis Vincelette25-May-2008 12:33
Oh Sandi ... this is a Master Piece ! Wow .... Excellent !
Brian McAllister25-May-2008 06:51
Beautiful shot. Well done……
QUERIDO25-May-2008 06:10
Beautiful shot,vote
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad25-May-2008 05:42
Spectacular light.
Jess. ( Lady.D.)25-May-2008 03:14
Fabulous light and super flight capture...
Naret Visesvongsa25-May-2008 02:23
Dramatic shot my friend. Vote.
Mindy McNaugher25-May-2008 02:19
AWESOME capture!! Magnificent light! Very dramatic shot! Vote!
marie-jose wolff24-May-2008 20:56
gorgeous warm light! V
Carol Rollins24-May-2008 20:14
Fantastic light and flight shot Sandi!! V
Guest 24-May-2008 18:52
Love the warm light, Sandi. This is beautiful! I remember the song very well... good times! :)
Gerard Koehl24-May-2008 15:41
Ah oui... fantastique avec cette lumière doré. V
s_barbour24-May-2008 14:25
This is gorgeous Sandi, that lighting is exquisite...well worth braving the cold!
And yes, I do remember that song and now it will be stuck in my head all
Guest 24-May-2008 14:00
Nicely done.
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