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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bosque del Apache... It's for the Birds!! > A Beautiful Sight in Flight!
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09-JAN-2008 Sandi Whitteker

A Beautiful Sight in Flight!

Bosque del Apache

Sunrise at "the Bosque", and all are headed out very early for breakfast in fields grown especially for them.
It's a beautiful, graceful sight and SO worth getting up every morning in the dark and heading out into the cold.

other sizes: small medium original auto
meekam tam05-Sep-2009 06:10
Beautiful capture of the elegance of the birds! V
Buba Jafarli10-Aug-2009 03:01
Mesmerizing beauty! Can't stop watching the image! BV.
waterfalls man12-Mar-2009 01:20
Beautiful shot,V !!!
Guest 06-Dec-2008 14:48
Magnifique. V
Giancarlo Guzzardi18-Jul-2008 05:00
marvellous captureand colors
bill friedlander04-Jul-2008 16:49
Beautiful shot, at the right time of day. V
Guest 24-Jun-2008 01:36
Signature shot. Really nice capture.
Elaine (etfitz)23-Jun-2008 02:44
Beautiful capture!
Nicki Thurgar21-Jun-2008 20:38
Stunning capture!
PauloCGama20-Jun-2008 23:30
impressive!! cheers.
Guest 17-Jun-2008 03:08
Amazing capture and lighting!!!
Simon Chandler16-Jun-2008 07:00
Wonderful work. Excellent timing and composition. Superb capture of the light and colors. v
Barry Ailetcher16-Jun-2008 01:52
very nice shot
Tom Briggs16-Jun-2008 01:32
POW !!! BANG !!!! WOW !!! SHAZAM !!! Beautifully done ... birds on the wing with this fantastic lighting. I'm gonna vote two or three times ...
Jean D14-Jun-2008 01:33
Terrific capture of the group in flight, Sandi! ~V~
Marco Valk13-Jun-2008 16:55
beautiful flight shot. amazing light
Craig Artlett10-Jun-2008 22:29
Stunning colors and light. Definitely worth getting up early for. Vote.
Guest 04-Jun-2008 16:35
Lovely shot, Sandi. Certainly worth the eary morning rise.
mathilda williams31-May-2008 03:22
oh! so very beautiful.
Guest 30-May-2008 19:55
Beautiful capture Sandi - another one :) love the action photo here VV :)
Jim Coffman30-May-2008 01:32
Super capture!! Well done.
Richard Calmes29-May-2008 22:18
What a great shot! V
Carol Rollins29-May-2008 04:59
Spectacular! V
Peter Stahl27-May-2008 21:18
The backdrop is gorgeous . Nice one Sandy!! GMV.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet27-May-2008 12:07
Beautiful effect on this background.
Chris Spracklen27-May-2008 08:12
Wow! Great mid-air capture of these wonderful birds, Sandi.
Fabulous colours and drama!
Kind regards, Chris
Bill Robinson27-May-2008 06:47
Beautifully done Sandi.
Claude Martin26-May-2008 21:07
Wonderful shot in a beautiful light and superb framing...V
Alex Foong26-May-2008 00:38
Beautiful light and formation. Great capture!
Guest 25-May-2008 11:07
Outstanding work
Pixel Shooter24-May-2008 15:49
Beautiful Sandi, luv the color, great shot! V
Guest 24-May-2008 10:27
Amazin. V.
Coleen Perilloux Landry24-May-2008 04:13
Gorgeous light. Beautiful sight.
b-w studio24-May-2008 03:42
wonderful shot!
Guest 24-May-2008 01:41
Beautifully captured,V
Char24-May-2008 01:35
Hi Sandi,
A wonderful capture of this scene! \/
Gayle P. Clement24-May-2008 01:09
Beautifully cpatured, Sandi. V
Brad Claypole24-May-2008 00:19
Congradulations on the fruits of well made plans! V
coaster23-May-2008 23:14
Beautiful light and capture.
Naret Visesvongsa23-May-2008 22:55
Yes, it worth of getting up early. Well done my friend. Vote.
Peter Stubley23-May-2008 21:03
Beautiful capture, wonderful quality of light. Excellent work. V.
Gerard Koehl23-May-2008 20:42
Wow... magnifique. Cette capture sous cette lumière est terrible. V
Denis Vincelette23-May-2008 20:40
Somptuous .... A wonderful lighting too.... Congratulations !
Nicki Thurgar23-May-2008 20:07
Stunning light & background, great shot!
H2M23-May-2008 19:10
Splendid capture Sandi!V!!
Jess. ( Lady.D.)23-May-2008 18:30
Beautiful flight capture Sandi, gorgeous light and colour...
Steve Morris23-May-2008 18:29
Terrific atmosphere about this shot - rich early morning colour!!! V
Tom Munson23-May-2008 17:36
WOW, Sandi. That's some intense color. Great shot. v
Silvia Roitman23-May-2008 17:29
very very nice!v
Robert Charity23-May-2008 17:17
great capture, wonderful light, v
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