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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Warm Autumn Colors > Remains of the Storm
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12-OCT-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Remains of the Storm

White Mountains, New Hampshire

Silver lining to a stormy day of shooting was beautiful autumn colors showing through whisps of clouds as they moved off.

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Mikael Larsen05-Nov-2008 18:52
A very beautiful shot. Nice compressed view increasing the misty mood. v
Guest 19-Dec-2007 00:56
Nice perspecive when you can shoot _down_ to the clouds!
Tom Briggs09-Dec-2007 22:24
Beautiful scene, Sandi ... well done ... V
monil09-Dec-2007 21:46
C'est magnifique.
very good composition, colors and light. v
Giancarlo Guzzardi09-Dec-2007 20:51
that scene!...when it goes way the fog the shapes and the colors seem still clearer
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