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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> All Too Brief Trip to Pennsylvania... > Shy Ways of the Amish
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14-OCT-2008 Sandi Whitteker

Shy Ways of the Amish

Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Noticed these cute kids while driving around the Lancaster area, home to many Amish farmers. I must say, I find their simple way of living quite appealing somehow.

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judithann01-May-2010 12:52
My favorite! A beautiful example of the curiosity the Amish children have of the "English." Tastefully presented, Sandi, and a joy to view. VV!
Marc Baumser22-Jul-2008 14:58
wonderful capture
sue anne24-Apr-2008 21:38
Beautiful capture.
poetry66615-Feb-2008 00:36
Great shot Sandi. A wonderful moment captured..V,.
endre novak22-Dec-2007 21:12
John Lamb19-Dec-2007 08:07
Just love the innocence of this image Sandi. The shy looks from the children, it's almost as if the young boy is doffing his cap at you. Regards and compliments of the season. John
Craig Artlett15-Dec-2007 21:03
Great capture Sandi. I like the expression on the kids faces. Excellent composition and nice tight crop. Shutter speed fast enough to keep the picture sharp but slow enough to show some movement in the wheels. I admire the Amish simple way of life but I still would not like to be without my digital camera.
Nestor Derkach10-Dec-2007 13:41
Very nice image,the children gave you a look of approval.
Great composition.
Guest 06-Dec-2007 03:56
One of the best of this series. I love the story the image tells and the spirit of the people it captures.
Guest 04-Dec-2007 03:37
There is something very special about this - even though spatially the back window is very small it seems to open the picture up very large into a new world. Really like it.
Tom Briggs30-Nov-2007 11:45
Terrific capture, Sandi ... you captured their inquisitiveness in a sensitive and thought-provoking way. One has to admire the Amish for their dedication and family virtues that make this, as you point out, an appealing and simple life style ... particularly given the mess we've made of most things. Voted
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