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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Oldies but Goodies > Rust has It's Own Kind of Beauty!
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20-NOV-2007 Sandi Whitteker

Rust has It's Own Kind of Beauty!

Sheshone, California

Found a nice oldie in a little town called Sheshone, not far from Death Valley National Park. Seems to me that we don't make cars like this anymore,
with these beautiful lines. This is the first of I hope many rusty, yet elegant memories of "the old days".

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Bernard Bosmans12-Oct-2009 08:33
Very appealing shot Sandi. V.
Guest 22-Dec-2008 02:58
PS. Great photos!
Guest 22-Dec-2008 02:56
Just its
Guest 04-Dec-2007 12:17
wonderful composition & framing. v.
Apostolos Tikopoulos29-Nov-2007 22:11
Excellent capture and framing. V.
an nguyen29-Nov-2007 19:22
Yes, indeed it has its own beauty. V
Barbara Heide28-Nov-2007 11:09
fully agree with you! great shot! v
mathilda williams27-Nov-2007 02:28
i LOVE it!
rust is beautiful indeed :)
Tom Munson26-Nov-2007 16:51
Beautiful image Sandi. This is composedd perfect. V
Guest 26-Nov-2007 11:31
Excellent, excellent, excellent!!!
Real estate shot!
Bryan Murahashi26-Nov-2007 06:41
Very nice patterns in this rusty capture. V
Carol Rollins26-Nov-2007 05:03
Sandi, this is a wonderful image. Your composition is just perfect on this. V.
Brian McAllister26-Nov-2007 04:05
Lovely light and tones here Sandi.......
Sue Weisensel26-Nov-2007 03:24
Great image!
Chad Ramsey26-Nov-2007 01:57
It does! Excellent capture~V
Tom Briggs26-Nov-2007 00:18
Well done, Sandi ... any idea as to what type of car it was/is and the year? That's be interesting as well ... in any event, nicely seen and photographed.. V
Guest 25-Nov-2007 23:08
Sandi, another beautiful shot. Vote.
Denis Vincelette25-Nov-2007 23:08
Very nice image Sandi i like old things .. and I hope my face will not be in this gallery soon .. :-)) This aimge si a very good compo of the face of an old truck... A good crop ! And a good exposure too !Congratulations .... hope to see more soon ! :-)
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