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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Playing with Pics > Pepper Suspension
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11-APR-2013 Sandi Whitteker

Pepper Suspension

Sparks, nv

Playing with stop action with photo friends, with many takes
before you get what you want. Tons of fun, albeit be ready to get wet.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Tom Briggs09-Sep-2014 19:47
Wonderful stop action shot, Sandi, no matter how many attempts ... perfect ... v
Helen Betts09-Sep-2014 16:59
Fascinating, thanks for the link! It does look like it might take a lot of tries ;-).
Gayle P. Clement02-Sep-2014 01:17
This one is terrific!
Ken Zaret02-Sep-2014 01:01
Fun, interesting shot!
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