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Sandi Whitteker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Carson City Living > Blanca the Snowy Owl
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16-JAN-2014 Sandi Whitteker

Blanca the Snowy Owl

Topaz Lake, Nevada

So great to be able to get this close to so many wonderful birds of prey, and especially a snowy owl.
We don't have them here where I live. At least not yet, as I hear many birds are migrating south
these days. This snowy owl named Blanca, was found injured and can't fly. Her owner takes her and
another injured bird into classrooms to give students an up close and personal experience with Nature.

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Sam Rua01-Feb-2014 22:54
That's a very cool capture. Love the rich sepia BG to set off the owl.
Gayle P. Clement01-Feb-2014 21:49
Very beautiful bird.
Peter Sussex01-Feb-2014 21:06
Looks so sweet, owls are one of the cutest birds, here is the proof. Excellent capture, Sandi! V
Graeme01-Feb-2014 18:39
Superb details and close up, Sandi.BBV
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)01-Feb-2014 18:14
Stunning shot of this amazing creature.
(Good to hear she's being taken care of.)
Martin Lamoon01-Feb-2014 17:51
Wonderful bird, happy to hear its being looked after.
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